E. Wynfield's HO version of the PRR was started in 1961.
The railroad features a doubletrack mainline with a mixture of code 100
brass and nickel silver rail and very accurate PRR interlockings. The railroad
is powered with conventional DC and operates with car cards and switchlists
to handle the car movements. To prove the old adage that a model railroad
is never complete, E. Wynfield recently added a branchline and staging yard
in his laundry/furnace room area utilizing code 83 nickel silver track.
This is the main freight yard on the railroad.
The passenger terminal is off to the left and the engine terminal is on the
right. |
An SD40 leads an RS3 on a mixed freight
at "Wall" interlocking. The railroad cuts through an opening in the
steps at "Wall", a tread and riser are visible on the left. |
The freight we saw at "Wall" crosses the duckunder
bridge to the laundry area staging yard and branchline. There is a coal mining
area above the tunnel the freight is exiting. |
The freight we saw on the bridge and at "Wall"
prepares to climb the grade. |
The local passenger train makes a station stop
. |
The local passenger train departs the station
and drops down the grade. The freight we have been following slowly
grinds its way upgrade. |
The freight reaches the crest of the grade as
it crosses a bridge. |
A passenger train pulled by a pair of E
units effortlessly tackles the grade. |